
The Elven High Priestess alone can administer Elder Tree sap to elves who are ready, in lesser hands the result can be death.
The Elves are an indigenous, tribal species who are naturally able to connect with the Universal Source of Magic. With a long view of life, more akin to trees than people, they are rarely interested in the current affairs of the world around them. And while this overall detachment makes it uncommon for them to get involved with the outside world, they are immensely powerful when they do – like an earthquake or a volcano erupting.
Each elf tribe depends upon the guidance of their High Priestess when it comes to Elder Sap Ceremonies and the rare instances of Elven Rage. Kindred with nature, the High Priestess wears only that which can be found and used without causing harm to the forest around her.
Though Elves may live long lives filled with magic, they are not all-powerful or immortal, and as the rapidly expanding outside world encroaches upon their peaceful Elder Tree Groves, their way of life has become increasingly threatened.