Lore Compendium
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Known for their Starstaffs and Kaos tattoos, the Akari have been at times, both the greatest threat to Lyra and its most powerful protectors. Dating back millenia, the Akari are a religious order dedicated to the mastery of Kaos (color magic to the uninitiated). Known for their Starstaffs and Kaos tattoos, the Akari have been […]

Al Sula
The invention of Starpowder changed the very face of Lyra, allowing the simple Gunslinger to challenge the most skilled Akari. In the sun-scorched lands of the Sultanate of Al Sula, the Sulari were born beneath radiant skies, surrounded by desert abundant with colorful Lumite. They nurtured an effervescent culture to match, imbued with passion as […]

Alliance Peacekeepers
With their advanced dwarven armor and weaponry, Alliance Peacekeepers are respected, and feared, across the Mainland and Skylands. During the War of Shadows, the Nai’s magic-wielding warriors brought Lyra to the brink of destruction. In order to save the world from this threat, the dwarfs were forced to use their most advanced weapons. While this […]

“While some nations are blessed with bountiful resources, such as the Lumite-rich sands of Al Sula, it seems to be that for the Arcadian Empire, their people’s exploitation is the wellspring of their triumphs.” – Jia Sunmar, Kyran Ambassador Amidst the frost-laden lands and bitter skies of North Eastern Illum, the beginnings of a new […]

The Skyland settlement of Bijoux is known for its bucolic way of life and firemelon croissants High in the Troposphere, orbiting the Equator, The Skylands are a chain of thousands of islands that float due to their Lumite cores. Each Skyland is unique in climate, flora, fauna, and size, with some being so small that […]

Color Magic
Magic can take many forms, but Color Magic is what the Akari are most known for. On Lyra, magic is a part of everything. While it may be more potent in some places, and people, its effects can be felt everywhere. Magic can take many forms, but the most prominent form is Color Magic. There […]

Like Akari, each dragon is connected to a specific shade of color magic, which dictates its color and physical characteristics. Of all the magical creatures on Lyra, none are as feared, admired, or mysterious as dragons. Though dragons rarely come to the Mainland, they are worshiped by both the Kyran and the Draconians as powerful […]

Elder Trees
Durothil, Father of the Elder trees, is known for his unrivaled healing properties and serves as home and deity to the Wood Elves While Starfalls are rare, Starfalls bearing Elder Seeds are even more so. No one knows where in the cosmos these seeds come from, but once they reach the land they grow into […]

The Elven High Priestess alone can administer Elder Tree sap to elves who are ready, in lesser hands the result can be death. The Elves are an indigenous, tribal species who are naturally able to connect with the Universal Source of Magic. With a long view of life, more akin to trees than people, they […]

Forgotten Empire
Relics of the Forgotten Empire are scattered across Lyra, but who they were and how they built the Ancient Waygates remains a mystery. Dating back to a time before even the Elves, the Forgotten Empire is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who they were, or how they built the strange structures that remain, but […]

As the Arcadian saying goes, “Give a Leoni a way to “save face”… and you just might save your own face.” Leoni are prideful above all else and offending one (which is easy to do) can be deadly. As the Arcadian saying goes, “Give a Leoni a way to “save face”… and you just might […]

“Kaos lives everywhere you look, but it is only within Lumite that it chooses to rest.” – Excerpt from the Akari “Book of Kaos.” Kaos, known as magic to the uninitiated, is one of the most powerful forces on Lyra. The Akari Order teaches that Kaos is possibility and that the very nature of existence […]

Amidst the diverse species of Lyra, the Mordred lay claim to the most sordid and tragic origin. Forged by the Nai through arcane genetic experiments during the Akari Wars, the Mordred embody a fusion of Umbran Blood Elves and Cannibal Orcs. While the Nai aspired to perfection, seeking to merge the intellect, grace, and innate […]

Outlawed and hunted by the Alliance, the Nai practice in the shadows, assassinating their foes and plundering Akari Tombs in their quest for power. Etched in the founding tomes of the Akari Order it is written: “The Shades of Kaos, in their balanced and immaculate nature, bear no innate morality of their own, neither benevolence […]

“The Norvund do not fear death, but death fears the Norvund” – ancient Norvund Proverb. From the cold frontier wastes of Norvlund, the Norvund are a fearsome people who centuries ago began raiding the coast of the Mainland – taking everything they could find and killing all who stood against them. They believe it is […]

The elite Phoenix Riders of the Arcadian military have been a feared power in the sky since long before airships were even invented. Phoenixes are the largest species of bird on Lyra and hold near-mythic status for their magical abilities on the battlefield. Extremely rare, most phoenixes can be found in what is now the […]

Ratakka have little interest in hygiene or cleanliness and are therefore considered unpleasant company by most. Amid the darkest years of the Evernight, concealed within the inky depths of Umbra, the Ratakka emerged. Born to a barren and inhospitable cradle, a single, pulsating beacon of life beckoned the creatures from the southernmost reaches of Umbra. […]

Royal Court of Shadows
Ritual sacrifice marks the commencement and completion of the Royal Court of Shadows’ annual Midnight Ball. Secluded deep in the heart of Umbra, the capital city of Ebonstone has been forged in blood and war. Within its walls, the infamously wicked Royal Court of Shadows rules, hosting elaborate, yet heinous, balls and bacchanals. Few on […]

Skyland Trading Company
In order to protect their Lumite trade from pirate clans, such as The 21 and the Norvund Marauders, The Skyland Trading Company has invested in the largest, most advanced fleet in the skies above Lyra. The Dwarves were first to achieve flight on Lyra, but as an underground civilization they had little interest in spending […]

“There’s no Gods in the Deep Sky, if there were, we’d have caught one by now.” – Old Skywhaler saying. Whaling has been a part of life on the oceans of Lyra since the first Norvund ships entered the icy oceans of the North. However, while the Norvund were the first to master the art […]

Sprite Battling
“Sprite Battling is an art and I’m an artist.” – Blaise, Bijoux Sprite Trainer Across Lyra there are magical creatures, or Lumivores, who evolved in Lumite-rich areas and are able to process Lumite as the main part of their diet. The smallest of these, Sprites, need only small amounts of Lumite to survive, and because […]

Catching a Starfall can change your life, or bring it to an untimely end. From a distance, the Arcus appears to be a solid ring around the planet Lyra, but in truth it’s a gathering of countless pieces of crystalized magic born in the cosmos. When parts of the Arcus break free of its gravitational […]

Sun Elves
The Fire Sands are a part of the desert region of Al Sula that contain an abundance of Red Lumite and are famous for releasing waves of Kaotic flame during the heat of the day. The Fire Sands are hospitable to only the most adaptive of species – such as Qinthana, the Elder Tree, and […]

The 21
Grimstone Harbor serves as sanctuary to the lawless, a place where any outlaw may find safe haven. However, for law–abiding interlopers, Alliance Peacekeepers, or any who dare cross the Pirate Queen, Grimstone Harbor is a nightmare from which they may never awaken. Across the vast oceans of Lyra, piracy has flourished for so long that, […]